OLID Board Meeting
4th Tuesday – January 28, 5:30 p.m.
Uppertown Conference Room
Elk River City Hall, 13065 Orono Pkwy
Agendas and meeting materials are posted as soon as they are available.
Special meeting: Moleaer Technology Overview
Monday, January 13 at 5:00 pm
16765 198th Avenue, Big Lake, MN 55309
2024 OLID Annual Meeting materials and Annual Reports link.
The mission of the Orono Lake Improvement District (OLID) is to protect, preserve and enhance Lake Orono. The OLID partners with the City of Elk River, the Sherburne County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) and regional or state entities to implement a comprehensive program to alleviate current ecological stressors and recreational impairment on Lake Orono, brought about by aquatic invasive species, native plant overgrowth, algae proliferation, excess nutrients and sedimentation. Additional goals are to improve water quality, fisheries and habitat.
Property owners and all Elk River residents who use Lake Orono will enjoy a cleaner, clearer and safer-to-navigate lake that provides better recreational opportunities and improved wildlife habitat.
A managed lake will maintain and improve property values as well as add to residents’ enjoyment. The OLID is also an added way to be eligible for public grants.
The OLID gives property owners within the OLID the opportunity to participate directly in management and funding decisions regarding the lake.
Board of Directors
Chris Rock, Chair
Term ends 2025
Charlie Blesener, Vice Chair
Term ends 2027
Ben Carlson, Treasurer
Term ends 2027
Mike Olson, Secretary
Term ends 2026
Ed Bury,
Term ends 2025
Fish stocking in progress
Please catch and release
For more information, click here.
Beach testing results
Click here for more information
Treatment of Curly-leaf Pondweed in public waters done April 24, 2024
Click here for more information
How the OLID was formed
Link to page on City of Elk River’s website
- The OLID helps in achieving an equitable and stable ongoing funding means to manage water quality, sedimentation, existing aquatic invasive species (AIS), nuisance weeds, algae, and to be positioned to cope with future AIS threats.
- The OLID can provide funds that complement city, county, state, and Lake Association investments that alone are not sufficient.
- The OLID can fund the expansion of curly-leaf pondweed remediation to all infested public and private areas lake-wide.
- The OLID can improve water clarity and quality by pinpointing harm sources and implementing a reduction plan.
- The OLID can help manage fisheries and habitat and maintain and improve their quality.
- Establishing the OLID helps to facilitate the City of Elk River approved Lake Orono Restoration and Enhancement (LORE) Project and planning to address future dredging needs.
- In partnering with other entities the OLID can help facilitate an ongoing comprehensive lake management plan to monitor and improve water quality and address other lake related concerns as needed.